The A-Z Blogging Challenge - I: Who is the ‘I’ in DID?
Dive into the complex world of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Explore fragmented identities and the language challenges we face.
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - I: Who is the ‘I’ in DID?
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - H for Healing and Hiatuses
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - G for Grief
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - F for Fronting and Forgetting
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - E for Existing
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - D for Diagnosis
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - C for Change.
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - B for Berlou
The A-Z Blogging Challenge - A for Amber.
Our selfs-driven writing challenge: reflection and integration.
Another Failure: ‘The Blanket’.
Processing persecutors - our experiences with Kai.
Finally, some good news for Mia.
For us, depression was a symptom, not the condition.